What to do when your blood pressure is too high?
Unsettling symptoms like headache, chest pain, fatigue or shortness of breath could indicate elevated blood pressure (BP). When in doubt about your...
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Habits you should avoid that contribute to elevated blood pressure
Some of the long-established routines in our lives exert adverse effects on our bodies that we tend to overlook. These effects slowly add up and...
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Natural ways to keep blood pressure in the healthy range
Prevention is better than cure. If your blood pressure is consistently below 130/85 mm Hg, you are most likely safe from trouble. To never have to...
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Good habits to naturally decrease your blood pressure
Mild hypertension does not always have to be treated pharmacologically. Instead, you can try some of the everyday life habits that are known as...
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What does heart rate variability say about your health
Elevated blood pressure translates into a number of adverse consequences. By better understanding the intricacies of this medical condition, we can...
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Aftermaths of elevated blood pressure
As many as 16 % hypertensive adults in the US remain unaware of their condition and thus do not undergo any form of medical treatment [1]. It is 22...
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